International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Influence of Internal and External Recruitment Strategies on Employee Retention at the Zanzibar Ministry of Health - Unguja

Open access
The study focused on influence of recruitment strategies on employee retention. Specifically, the study is assessing the influence of internal and external recruitment strategies on employee’s retention at the Ministry of Health and to examine external recruitment strategies influence on employee’s retention. Cross-sectional design was used which involved quantitative research approach. The study total population was 3441 employees of the Ministry of Health in Unguja. The sample size was 358 respondents chosen by simple random sampling techniques. The questionnaire was used for data collection and the analysis was done using regression analysis. The findings from regression analysis showed that the facet of internal recruitment strategies (Promotions, Training and Development, Job Rotation, Transfer, Motivation) and external recruitment strategies (Headhunting, Contractors, Retired, Agencies, Expatriate, Social Media) have significant positive impact on employee retention at Zanzibar ministry of health-Unguja. The study concluded that internal recruitment strategies had high influence on employee retention in the ministry of health. External recruitment strategies were concluded to have little influence on employee retention. The study recommended that the government should increase internal recruitment strategies to improve retain employees in the Ministry of Health.
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