International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Standard Form Contracts in Online Business

Open access
People have been directly selling and purchasing products and services in the past, but with the rapid development of technology nowadays, people prefer online transaction because it easy, fast and efficient. Online business platforms are becoming increasingly relevant for the sale and purchase of goods and services. The seller can earn a profit, and the buyer can easily find something they wanted to purchase. Standard form contracts are usually used to legalize transactions. Before the payment and execution of the agreement, customers must agree and consent to all the standard terms. The implementation of online contracts has resulted in the increasing use of unfair contract terms in standard form contracts in the commercial industry. This paper aims to study the standard form contracts in online business and to discuss the unfair contract terms in online standard form contracts. The approach of this study is purely qualitative where it is based on a library research and involving conceptual discussion and legal analysis. Therefore, it is hoped this article provides valuable knowledge concerning standard form contracts, online business and unfair contract terms.
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