Recycled paper products rise globally due to the potential environmental and economic benefits, especially in the Chinese market. However, despite the extensive use of recycled cardboard and packaging cartons by enterprises, the penetration rate of individual consumers to buy any recycled paper products is relatively low. Moreover, the upgrading of the paper industry is considered a crucial environmentally sustainable manufacturing process in the 21st century, and recycled paper is the best alternative. However, only the consumers willing to pay and continue to create more demand can signal manufacturers and investors that recycled paper demand and economy are feasible. Several past studies have been conducted to determine the influencing factors of Chinese consumers buying various sustainable products; nevertheless, there is no focus on recycled paper products. It is crucial to gain insight into the drivers of recycled paper purchase intention for its sustainable label, but there is a lack of relevant research. Therefore, using the Theory of Planned Behavior as the foundation, this conceptual paper investigated factors affecting recycled paper purchase intention, including attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavior control, and price sensitivity. Furthermore, this study reviews the relevant literature on sustainable consumption in the past and finally proposes a future research framework.
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