International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Medicinal Use of Cannabis Documented by Muslim Scientists

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Clinical studies have demonstrated many therapeutic benefits of cannabis, which has been used for medicinal purposes for over 6000 years. Despite its curative properties and therapeutic advantages, Muslim-majority countries impose strict regulations due to the stigma attached to cannabis use as a medicine associated with its use as a medicine. The majority of Muslim nations forbid the use of cannabis for either recreational or therapeutic purposes and impose punishments such as imprisonment or death sentences. However, history shows that cannabis was used as a medicine in the past by Muslim scientists. Therefore, this article intends to examine the practice of Muslim scientists in using cannabis for medicinal purposes. In achieving the objective, the researchers use a qualitative method by analysing previous literature using content analysis. Findings showed that cannabis is used as a medicine for various types of illness by Muslim scientists. It is important to note that a review of pertinent scientific materials provides support for the traditional use of medical cannabis practised by Muslim medical professionals. Hopefully, this article will enlighten readers' knowledge on this topic, especially among Muslims, to correct any misconceptions and misapprehensions surrounding cannabis. It is suggested that Muslim countries embark on more research on cannabis' therapeutic benefits.
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