International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Da’wah bi al-Lisan by Using Politeness Language

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Da’wah bi al-lisan or da’wah through words or oral communication or preaching with words is one of the essential methods of preaching. In carrying out this da'wah, the preacher should use excellent and polite expressions to ensure that the target group can accept the delivered da'wah. Therefore, this article examines how to use polite language by combining Leech's maxims with Islamic teachings obtained from the Qur'an and hadith. This qualitative study uses content analysis from the Quran and hadith. In this research, the researcher used socio-pragmatics analysis to analyze the politeness principles or Leech’s maxims. The study’s results found that six of Leech's maxims can be adapted to texts from the Quran and hadith. Therefore, the preacher can strengthen the da’wah bi al-lisan da'wah by linking the theory of scholars like Leech with the arguments found in the Qur'an and hadith.
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