International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Exploring Motivation for Learning Through Aldefer’s Theory

Open access

Tuan Nooriani Tuan Ismail, Thenmolli Vadeveloo, Nur Zafifa Kamarunzaman, Radduan Yusof, Farhatul Mustamirrah Mahamad Aziz, Noor Hanim Rahmat

Pages 138-153 Received: 04 Dec, 2022 Revised: 05 Jan, 2023 Published Online: 07 Feb, 2023
The objective of this study is to explore and analyse the learning motivation by the postgraduate students in the Faculty of Administrative Science and Policy Studies (FSPPP), UiTM using Alderfer’s Theory. The study evaluates in detail the existence, relatedness and growth factors which influence learning motivation. The study uses a survey approach as a research instrument to collect data. The survey consists of a set of questionnaires and was administered using an online platform which was shared to all postgraduate students of full-time and part-time mode. A total of 72 respondents responded to the survey. The results indicate that for existence factors between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, extrinsic factors show higher mean than intrinsic factor. The findings for relatedness factors reveal that the item control beliefs for learning scored higher mean and the results for growth factors reveal that all items scored a moderate mean level.
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