International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Exploring Middles School Students’ Perceptions of Factors Affecting Teacher-student Interactions in Online Courses during Covid-19 in China

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The purpose of this study was to express middle school student's' perceptions of the factors that influence online teacher-student interaction (TSI). We used a qualitative case study design in an effort to offer an in-depth description of the factors that students perceive as influencing TSI. Participants (N=12) were from 5 middle schools in Nanning, Guangxi, China. Information was collected with extensive semi-structured interviews and analyzed using a five-step method in mental research. Data analysis revealed three general themes about teachers' perceptions, including several components. We found that teachers' effective classroom skills, such as emotion-based information exchange, teachers’ interactive initiatives, and giving students praise and encouragement, were identified as dominant factors influencing the quality of TSI. In addition, teachers discussed effective environmental factors, as well as attributes and behaviors of participants as influencers of TSI, to understand their perceived dimensions of TSI. The results of this study can be used in teacher education programs to develop positive interventions to enhance educators' understanding of factors associated with TSI.
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