International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Student Learning Independence in Distance Learning at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (A Review of Teacher Professionalism in Urban and Rural Areas)

Open access

Maulida Hayatina Saipuddin, Ahmad Dzaky Hasan, Muslem Ralwi Matsyah, Izzah Nur Aida Zur Raffar, Nang Naemah Nik Dahalan

Pages 12-21 Received: 03 Dec, 2022 Revised: 05 Jan, 2023 Published Online: 07 Feb, 2023
The spread of Covid-19, which has penetrated almost all regions in Indonesia, requires the government to temporarily stop the learning process in schools and replace it with an alternative PJJ at home. Various efforts are made to ensure that learning activities take place properly despite the absence of face-to-face sessions in person. Thus, this study aims to find out the difference in learning independence of MAN learners in Distance Education in urban and rural areas after being controlled by teacher professionalism variables. The approach in this research is a quantitative approach using survey methods. The sample in this study amounted to 392 students who attended school in the urban and rural areas of South Kalimantan Province. Data collection techniques in this study use questionnaires and documentation. The questionnaire instrument is theoretically validated using the Delphi technique while empirically using a static test of factor analysis. As for testing the hypothesis, the requirements test is carried out as follows: (1) normality test; (2) homogeneity test; and (3) linearity test, which is then followed by a covariance analysis test (ANAKOVA). The results of this study proved that there was no significant difference in the learning independence of MAN learners in PJJ between urban and rural areas after controlled teacher professionalism variables. However, if you look at the magnitude of the influence, it is known that there is a significant influence on teacher professionalism on the learning independence of MAN students in PJJ in urban and rural areas of South Kalimantan Province. For further research can be studied on how the variable relationship of learners' learning independence in PJJ with the level of self-adjustment or with the level of stress of learners or conduct further analysis of other dimensions related to learning independence. Other options can also be studied how the comparison of participants' learning independence in PJJ in able and underprivileged families and many others with qualitative approaches or methods.
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