International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Virtual Flipped Classroom: English as a Second Language (ESL) Learners’ Decision-Making Styles in Academic Reading

Open access
One online pedagogical approach that has gained traction in the recent Covid-19 pandemic is the Flipped Learning approach. This approach is seen as a solution to navigate education during and after the pandemic due to its student-centric nature that foster deeper understanding and encourages active learning especially for English as a Second Language (ESL) learners. By flipping the traditional classroom structure, ESL learners have the access to view online lectures and materials from home, then spend in-class time participating in activities and discussions to apply and strengthen their English language skills. However, one important aspect that has to be addressed to guarantee that remote ESL learners are prepared for virtual flipped learning is to understand their decision-making styles especially while learning academic reading skills. Resistance to reading compliance may hinder the language teaching and learning process during virtual flipped classes. ESL learners who do not read, will find it difficult to actively participate in VFC for academic reading skills because the nature of it involves intellectual discussions. The knowledge on learners’ decision-making styles is important for VFC instructors to provide detailed guidance and support the remote ESL learners to achieve meaningful academic reading skills that may impact their academic success. This paper attempts to explore English as a Second Language (ESL) learners’ decision-making styles in virtual flipped classroom for academic reading classes. The implication of this study is to assist language instructors to further understand ESL learners’ decision-making styles, and how they perceive decision-making skills for virtual flipped classes to achieve meaningful learning. Also, this study provides opportunities for language instructors to develop Virtual Flipped Classroom modules for teaching language skills.
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