International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Implementation of Career Transition Program for Students with Learning Disabilities in Sabah

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Career Transition Program (CTP) for students with special education needs (SSEN) was implemented into Secondary Special Education Standard Curriculum in 2019. Although students are trained with various skills throughout this program, it was found that SSEN working ability is low, employers have lack knowledge of SSEN and parents are lack of information regarding the skills program conducted in school. Thus, this study aims to identify the level of implementation of CTP for SLD from the aspect of student-focused planning and the aspect of student development. A quantitative survey was conducted to collect data in Ranau, Tambunan, Keningau and Tenom. A simple random sampling technique is used to obtain the samples in the study. Questionnaires were distributed in Google Form through Whatsapp and Telegram while findings were analyzed descriptively with SPSS. This study found that the implementation of CTP from the aspect of student-focused planning and the aspect of student development was at moderate level. These findings enable school administrators to detect aspects of which to be improved in the implementation of this program. Collaboration between schools, parents and employers is needed to ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of CTP.
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