International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Study of Indigenous (Orang Asli) Students’ Engagement in Mandarin Online Learning

Open access
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a widespread shift toward online Mandarin language teaching and learning. In this new educational landscape, ensuring consistent engagement from learners is crucial, particularly for indigenous (Orang Asli) students who lack the necessary equipment. To enhance online education, we must study forms of engagement, especially for indigenous (Orang Asli) students, and identify their preferred mode of engagement. The purpose of this study is to assess the level of participation among indigenous (Orang Asli) students in online learning. To collect quantitative data, a set of 24 questionnaire items adapted from Martin & Bollinger (2018) was administered to indigenous (Orang Asli) students residing in a welfare home in the Klang Valley. Additionally, a semi-structured interview was employed to investigate potential factors that could impact the online participation of indigenous students. The study revealed that collaborative efforts with peers in the same group were the most well-received learner-to-learner interactions, whereas a supportive classroom community positively impacted student engagement. The study's results have significant implications for educators, particularly when teaching the Mandarin language to indigenous (Orang Asli) students. Simultaneously, the findings carry substantial consequences for indigenous (Orang Asli) learners who hope to increase their engagement in online education.
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