International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Intention to Use Social Media Influencers in Halal Food Promotional Activities: A Proposed Conceptual Model using the Integrative Model of Behavioural Prediction

Open access

Purnomo M Antara, Aini Hayati Musa, Asma’ Rashidah Idris, Sarah Mardhiah Selamat, Farrah Nadia Baharuddin, Nur Fadhlina Zainal Abedin

Pages 910-919 Received: 07 Jan, 2023 Revised: 10 Feb, 2023 Published Online: 12 Mar, 2023
The growth of the Halal sector is driven by young Muslim asserting their values. However, some young Muslims are not sensitive towards Halal status. There is a need to cater to the young Muslim market, especially iGeneration since they are future demand setters. iGeneration lives with technology and social media. Halal food producers should use social media influencers to cater to this market. This paper proposes the conceptual framework towards the intention to use social media influencers in Halal food promotional activities among Small and Medium Enterprises. The Integrative Model of Behavioral Prediction was adapted to achieve the said objectives. The proposed framework provides insight into the study of the factors affecting the intention to use social media influencers in promotional activities among Halal food producers. This proposed conceptual framework is also hoped to help contribute to the body of knowledge as references for scholars. Besides, it is hoped to significantly impact Halal food producers and policymakers upon the project’s completion.
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