International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Effect of Talent Management Strategies on Fostering Innovation in Organization

Open access
In this fast-paced and highly competitive 21st century, talents have become one of the most important pillars for organizations to achieve their strategic vision. Additionally, there has been an increased emphasis placed on the good selection of qualified and talented employees as well as the discovery, development, improvement, and retention of their talents as a competitive advantage that allows organizations to accomplish their goals. This research was carried out with the intention of determining the impact that various people management strategies have had on the innovative practices in Malaysia. Quantitative methods are offered for the demographic analysis, while qualitative methods will be used to delve more deeply into the stories. The desired outcomes are that there will be a significant impact of Talent Management Strategies on innovation performance, which will lead to an increase in wealth creation and the addition of values to products or processes carried out by the Malaysian public sector. The conclusion is going to be explained in the article.
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