International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact of Transformational Leadership on The Mentoring Approach of Polytechnic Lecturers in The Pahang Zone

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Transformational leadership is a paradigm shift in administration to achieve the mission, vision and goals of an organization. The best transformational leadership is a leader who is able to implement change in achieving glory and success. Coinciding with the goal of transformational leadership, this study was conducted to identify the level of effectiveness of transformational leadership and the readiness of polytechnic lecturers in the Pahang Zone to implement the mentoring approach. The study was carried out at three polytechnics in the Pahang Zone, namely Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Polytechnic, Muadzam Shah Polytechnic and Kuantan Metro Polytechnic using descriptive quantitative research methods. The questionnaire was used as a research instrument in the form of a google form, distributed to 234 polytechnic lecturers in the Pahang Zone. The findings of the study show that the level of effectiveness of the director's transformational leadership and the willingness of polytechnic lecturers in the Pahang Zone to implement the mentoring approach method is at a high level. The data shows a high relationship between the level of effectiveness of transformational leadership and the willingness of polytechnic lecturers in the Pahang Zone to implement the mentoring approach. The study also shows that there is a significant relationship on all four dimensions of the effectiveness of transformational leadership with the willingness of polytechnic lecturers in the Pahang Zone to implement the mentoring approach. Overall, this study concluded that the level of effectiveness of transformational leadership has a significant relationship with the willingness of polytechnic lecturers in the Pahang Zone to implement the mentoring approach.
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