International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Conceptual Paper on the Relationship between Self-Regulated Learning, Satisfaction towards Personal Record Building and Employability Skills

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This conceptual paper discusses the relationship between self-regulated learning, satisfaction towards personal record building, and employability skills. There is a mismatch of employability skills between the demand of industry and the supply by higher learning institutions. Literature shows that soft skills are emerging as important as technical skills among TVET graduates in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. The Personal Record Building (PRB) system was initiated by a technical university to assist in the development of these soft skills. Centralising students' Self-regulated learning (SRL), PRB is an initiative to capture students' participation and achievement in both academic and non-academic activities through a systematic merit. While many researchers have investigated issues concerning employability skills, little is known about the significance of SRL and the role of PRB towards the development of students’ employability skills. The objective of this concept paper is to propose an area of investigation on the relationship between SRL and employability skills mediated by satisfaction towards PRB. Various employability skills frameworks, Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) and Learners’ satisfaction survey were referred to in the attempt to explore the potential relationships among the variables. It is anticipated that the data obtained could be presented in the form of descriptive analysis and inferential analysis using PSL-SEM 3.0. All in all, the conceptual paper hopes to highlight the potential significant findings which could later assist higher learning institutions to improve the utilization of PRB as an initiative to develop employability skills.
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