International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Effect of Innovation, Market Knowledge, and Social Capital on Dayak Women Entrepreneurship in Kuching, Samarahan and Serian Divisions of Sarawak

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Women entrepreneurship is considered an effective instrument for the economic development and empowerment of women. The importance of entrepreneurship growth in Malaysia is supported by the vast amount of supporting mechanisms and business policies created by the policy maker to support the industry growth. As the focus on Sarawak itself, many entrepreneurship activities seem to become more and more important in supporting the people and state economy. Considering the importance of the issue, this study seeks to investigate the effect of innovation, social capital and market knowledge on Dayak women entrepreneurs in Kuching, Samarahan and Serian divisions of Sarawak. Since the Dayak community is the largest in Sarawak which is 33.4% of the population of Sarawak (Department of Statistics Malaysia, 2020), more research is needed to understand the Dayak women because they represent an important aspect of the state's cultural and economic diversity. The efforts to support their development and empowerment are essential for promoting inclusive and sustainable growth in the region. The sample population included 300 Dayak women entrepreneurs in Kuching, Samarahan and Serian divisions of Sarawak. Using questionnaire as the main means of data collection, the correlation among variables of entrepreneurship, innovation, social capital and market knowledge will be evaluated. Data analysis will be conducted using structural equation modelling (SEM). Overall, the findings will highlight and explain further on the concept of social capital, innovation and market knowledge that will be both beneficial to Dayak women entrepreneurs and government as well as contributing to the knowledge of studies related to entrepreneurship. Further studies are recommended to explore more on the market opportunities available to Dayak women entrepreneurs, including both local and global markets. This could help identify potential areas for growth and development of women entrepreneurs in Sarawak.
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