Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences


Did you Run the Telegram? Use of Mobile Spelling Checker on Academic Writing

Open access

Wei Lun Wong, Mazura Mastura Muhammad, Kee Ping Chuah, Nadzirah Saimi, Amrien Hamila Ma’arop, Rashidah Elias

Pages 1-19 Received: 09 Nov, 2021 Revised: 12 Dec, 2021 Published Online: 23 Jan, 2022
Technology in education has a pivotal role in language learning in this era of globalization. This study aims to determine the impact of mobile spelling checker on academic writing among pre-university students of a college in Malaysia. Two objectives are formed. The primary objective is to evaluate the result of the mobile spelling checker on academic writing produced by Malaysian pre-university students. Additionally, another objective is to investigate their perceptions regarding the mobile spelling checker utilised. The quantitative research approach was used. A survey questionnaire was employed to explore their perceptions and satisfaction about the spelling checker used. Cluster random sampling was employed. The samples consisted of 99 pre-university students. The results provide light on the proper usage of mobile spelling checker for academic writing. The mobile spelling checker receives many favourable responses. The research concludes that the mobile spelling checker can meet the diverse demands of pre-university students in addition to the linguistic requirements of core courses and industry.
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In-Text Citation: (Wong et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Wong, W. L., Muhammad, M. M., Chuah, K. P., Saimi, N., Ma’arop, A. H., & Elias, R. (2022). Did you Run the Telegram? Use of Mobile Spelling Checker on Academic Writing. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 10(1), 1–19.