Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences


Children's Curiosity Finds Solutions for Energy: A Project for Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Sources for Early Childhood Children

Open access

Vassiliki Pliogou, Anastasia Kountouroudi, Ifigeneia Kamperidou, Anna-Iris Coumpa, Maria-Lito Coumpa

Pages 227-237 Received: 07 Jan, 2017 Revised: 09 Feb, 2017 Published Online: 17 Apr, 2017
This paper outlines the development and the analysis of an educational programme for children in early childhood education regarding the environmental issues like the saving of energy, natural resources and bioclimatic planning that attempt to introduce and link the principles of sustainability with society. The aim was the pupils to be aware of environmental issues and to promote the applications of sustainability in their real and social environment. The project took place in a kindergarten school in Thessaloniki, during the school year 2014-2015 with the participation of 15 students and was carried out through three phases: 1) the exploration of the subject, 2) the implementation of educational activities, and 3) the evaluation of the project. Children were introduced to all energy sources and be encouraged to think for and about the energy. The kindergarten teachers worked with the children, creating a proactive teaching environment with many appropriate stimuli, in order to motivate and facilitate their learning through play. At the same time, by keeping in pace with every single child’s learning rhythm, the aim was to give them equal learning opportunities. This educational program was beneficial to all children as they learned new concepts and acquired new experiences.
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In-Text Citation: (Pliogou et al., 2017)
To Cite this Article: Pliogou, V., Kountouroudi, A., Kamperidou, I., Coumpa, A.-I., & Coumpa, M.-L. (2017). Children’s Curiosity Finds Solutions for Energy: A Project for Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Sources for Early Childhood Children. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 5(1), 227–237.