Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences


Readers of Public History Magazines in Greece: The Case of the Illustrated History

Open access
Public history as a “nonacademic narrative” plays an important role in the modern construction of national or historic mentality. A genre of public history are history magazines which have an increasing significance of a commercialized mediation of history within public historical culture and reflects the fact that these representations can have an impact on the younger generation’s understanding the history. In the late 20th and early 21st century there is a peak in publication of public history magazines worldwide. It seems that the increase of leisure time, rising thirst for entertainment and cultural tourism, the need for orientation in a changing world especially in western societies and the increase in mass media representation of history as a means to address collective identities and loyalties, have played a role in this development. We claim that it is imperative to study the readers’ profile as receivers of public history through magazines. In this audience research, we study on «The Illustrated History» as the first Greek historic illustrated magazine (1968-2018) and we focus on its readers. Methodologically, we use an online questionnaire (google forms) in order to study the profile of this magazine’s readers. The research was held from August 2018 up to November 2018. The sample consists of 105 answers and it is structured into four sections a) demographic data b) the relationship with the magazine c) the relationship with history and d) the emotional dimension - evaluation of the magazine.
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In-Text Citation: (Vasileiadis, Stavrou & Vamvakidou, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Vasileiadis, G., Stavrou, A., & Vamvakidou, I. (2020). Readers of Public History Magazines in Greece: The Case of the Illustrated History. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 8(1), 280–289.