Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences


Investigating EFL Teachers’ Attitude towards the Use of Educational Technology in Greek Education

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This article attempts to explore EFL teachers’ attitudes towards educational technology in the Greek context and focuses on the positive and negative aspects of using educational technology in the classroom. The main instruments used are a questionnaire administered to 125 teachers, 10 EFL teachers’ interviews and observation notes from 5 teaching sessions. The findings confirm that the majority of teachers have positive attitudes toward the use of educational technology. They also make use of technology in their lessons when they are given the opportunity. Nevertheless, with regard to the technological equipment available, it appears that the language institutes are far more equipped than public or private schools. The lack of time is another major barrier which prevents teachers from using technology in class. The findings also suggest that the use of technological tools is partly integrated in the syllabus and there should be found ways to fully integrate it in the syllabus and by extension in the teachers’ lessons.
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In-Text Citation: (Panousi & Zorbas, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Panousi, A., & Zorbas, V. (2020). Investigating EFL Teachers’ Attitude towards the Use of Educational Technology in Greek Education. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 8(1), 233–248.