Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences


Significance of Deixis in Presidential Inaugural Speeches from East Africa

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Human communication is intentional. Speakers seek to achieve desired intentions through language. Presidents use deixis to perform specified roles to achieve desired effects during inaugural delivery. Deixis is a notion in pragmatics that explains the significance of context in interpreting meaning. Based on Hanks 2005 Deictic Field Theory this study sought to establish the role and effect of deixis in selected inaugurals from East Africa. The study adopted a descriptive analytic research design. The inaugural texts were downloaded from the internet. AntiConc 3.5.8 textual analysis software was used to facilitate data mining. The software facilitated the identification of various extracts in which deixis was used. Each extract was examined to establish the role and effect of the deixis used. The findings were presented in comparative tables and descriptive write-ups. The findings show that presidents in East Africa used deixis in their inaugurals to perform specific roles and achieve desired effects. They used person deixis to identify communicative agents, to establish inclusive and exclusive groups, to signal solidarity or detach, and personal or social responsibility. They used spatial deixis to state the physical location the speaker, addressee or objects referred to in the speech setting. Temporal deixis expressed the time involved or referred to in the inaugurals. They used social deixis to express social status and ranking of the communicative agents and express realities such as togetherness and inclusivity. The presidents used deixis to achieve emotional, politeness, rapport, inclusive, cohesive, attentional and emphasizing effects.
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In-Text Citation: (Omwoyo et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Omwoyo, H. K., Emily, O., & Owino, F. R. (2021). Significance of Deixis in Presidential Inaugural Speeches from East Africa. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 9(1), 159–175.