Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences


Views of Primary Education Principals on the Issue of Refugee Integration in the Greek Education System

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The present study includes the qualitative study of the views of the principals of Primary Education in Northern Greece, on the issue of refugee integration in the Greek education system in general and, in particular, in primary education. The large influx of refugee populations on a daily basis makes the pace and methods of integration more complicated as a direct consequence of social and cultural influence (morals-values), regarding not only the social and cultural level but the educational system, as well. The challenge of welcoming and integrating this large number of immigrant and refugee children arriving in Greece is unique as even greater effort is required by both state and social servants to currently implement this major project in the best and most effective way. It is worth noticeable that Greece is a country that faces serious economic and social problems, particularly, in terms of diversity acceptance. Both xenophobia and wariness towards anything new have always been a special feature of the Greek social pathogenesis. To sum up, the conclusion of the research, as it will be further analysed, indicated that there are serious shortcomings and weaknesses in the productive utilization of educational experience. However, the appropriate means and the appropriate infrastructure can make the educational vision for the inclusion of refugee and immigrant children in the Greek educational environment complete, while most members of the educational community express their positive attitude towards the implementation of the "Reception of Refugees in Primary Education" programme.
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In-Text Citation: (Chrysikos, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Chrysikos, C. (2021). Views of Primary Education Principals on the Issue of Refugee Integration in the Greek Education System. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 9(1), 117-132.