Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences


Measuring Elementary School Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Competence: Adjustment and Evaluation of Kelly Glodt’s Instrument in Greece

Open access

Adamos Anastasiou, Efthymios Valkanos, Gregorios Simos, Anthony Montgomery, Leonidas Karamitropoulos

Pages 50-69 Received: 07 Jan, 2013 Revised: 28 Feb, 2013 Published Online: 17 Apr, 2013
In the present paper the questionnaire Principals’ Perception of Competence Survey created by the American researcher Kelly Glodt was used in order to investigate elementary school principals and vice-principals’ perceived level of competence concerning common administrative roles in Greece. Its objective is to verify the possibility of determining the competence level regarding this particular category of administrative staff through the process of adjusting and evaluating the aforementioned instrument. The empirical data of the pilot research came up from the responses of 30 individuals, 20 principals and 10 vice-principals. The outcomes of the test-retest procedure performed for identifying the reliability of this instrument indicate that it could constitute a valid and reliable choice for its future practical implementation in Greece so that the appropriate training programmes can be organized leading the administrative staff of school units to effectively perform their administrative duties.
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In-Text Citation: (Anastasiou et al., 2013)
To Cite this Article: Anastasiou, ?., Valkanos, E., Simos, G., Montgomery, A., & Karamitropoulos, L. (2013). Measuring Elementary School Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Competence: Adjustment and Evaluation of Kelly Glodt’s Instrument in Greece. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 1(1), 50–69.