Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences


Ekistic Heritage and Enhancement: The Case of Sulina

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In the eastern part of Romania, in the region of Dobrogea, lies the small town of Sulina. ?he establishment of the European Commission of the Danube there in 1856, transformed Sulina from a small fishing village to a cosmopolitan city. Not only was the centre of commercial activity but also a location that attracted people of different nationalities. The dominant population group was that of the Greeks who were active in commerce and navigation, and many of them worked at the Commission. Over the years and after the devastating wars, the city experienced decline. Today it stands nearly deserted. The glorious past of the city is demonstrated by the ekistic heritage. The cemetery, as well as the buildings are distinguished for their architecture and testify the city's history. Many of them are now labelled as historic monuments and they are protected by a specific institutional framework. A good example of bilateral cooperation between Romania and Greece is the “Beautiful Romania” project; its aim was the rehabilitation and restoration of the historic monument of the former Paleologos and Apesos House which is nowadays the Municipal Library of the city of Sulina.
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In-Text Citation: (Gavra & Peristeropoulou, 2013)
To Cite this Article: Gavra, E. G., & Peristeropoulou, D. C. (2013). Ekistic Heritage and Enhancement; The Case of Sulina. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 1(1), 39–49.