Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences


Children’s Drawings and the Grammar of Visual Design: Pedagogical Application of the Depiction of the “Other” in Pre-school Children’s Drawings

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This paper presents an analysis of pre-school children’s drawings using the methodological tool of the grammar of visual design, by Gunther Kress and Theo Van Leeuwen, in order to investigate the presence of a stereotypical representation of the “Other”, or lack thereof. The construction of “Childhood” as a social category is briefly mentioned and then the evolution of children’s drawings is presented. The basic principles of the grammar of visual design are documented, in the way they were evaluated during the analysis of the children’s drawings. Finally, the analysis of these drawings is presented and some final comments on the representation of otherness are made. According to those results, negative stereotypes are not constructed through children’s designs.
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In-Text Citation: (Kipouropoulou, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Kipouropoulou, E. (2020). Children’s Drawings and the Grammar of Visual Design: Pedagogical Application of the Depiction of the “Other” in Pre-school Children’s Drawings. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 8(1), 131–150.