Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences


The Greek Language Education in Albania: A Professional Development Framework for Greek Language Teachers

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The main purpose of this study is the design, implementation and evaluation of a professional development program for Greek language teachers in minority education in Albania. The education of the Greek minority in Albania has been a separate part of the whole educational system of the country that has its own features and its own history (Barkas, 2011). ?he starting point of the present study will be to outline the existing educational situation and to explore the needs of a) the specific teachers and b) the views of the head teachers and c) the professors at the University of Argyrokastro in order to form an overall picture of their training needs, their views and their suggestions for continuing education. The ultimate goal is to present an integrated professional development context for Greek language teachers in the minority education in Albania and we hope that the suggested professional development program for minority education teachers will be an effective one to upgrade their work and, in the long run, to make a decisive contribution to the qualitative upgrading of the Greek language instruction.
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In-Text Citation: (Bouras, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Bouras, S. (2020). The Greek Language Education in Albania: A professional development framework for Greek Language Teachers. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 8(1), 18–27.