Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences


Secondary Education Greek Philologists as Adult Learners on ICT

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The aim of this study is to investigate the knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired by a group of secondary education teachers, called philologists in Greek, of the Prefecture of Kavala in Northern Greece after their training (B-Level) in the course: "Training Teachers to the Use and Exploitation of ICTs in Educational Process", offered by the Greek Ministry of Education. Specifically, the training course objectives are to determine whether there are changes in their way of teaching, due to the adult learning process they have followed, and also to identify the factors philologists believe that affect the use of ICT in their teaching practice. Qualitative research was conducted using focused interviews as the main tool. Additionally, two diaries were used, the informants’ and the researchers’ diary. The sample was eight philologists who successfully attended this training course and they taught at Kavala’s secondary education schools. Content analysis was chosen for data processing. The findings showed that the trained philologists acquired new knowledge and skills and cultivated fresh attitudes on the pedagogical use of new technologies. However, factors that might hinder the use of ICT (such as conflict with traditional teaching strategies, poor equipment, etc.) combined with the lack of feedback, led some of them reduce or even abandon the use of ICT in the classroom, which underlines the necessity of a strong follow-up process.
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In-Text Citation: (Tsoutsa et al., 2013)
To Cite this Article: Tsoutsa, S., Kedraka, K., & Papastamatis, A. (2013). Secondary education Greek philologists as adult learners on ICT. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 1(2), 91–106.