Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences


Greek Language Development and awareness of Ancient Greek Philosophy: Introducing a Content-based Project to Immigrant Students

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This paper outlines the rationale for and the purpose of designing a thematic project based on themes of history of Greek philosophy for bilingual students in Greek primary education. More specifically, it presents a descriptive account of a thematic project to be introduced with the aim to develop not only L2 skills of immigrant children attending Greek primary schools but also their knowledge about the history of Greek philosophy within a multimodal context. The importance of such a project stems from the growing number of bilingual students in Greek primary education because of the fact that Greece has been an immigrant receiving country for the last two decades. The proposed project aims at promoting aspects of the history of the Greek philosophy and developing the language skills of bilingual students in Greek as a second language through their participation in various inquiry and creative writing activities as well as in activities of intergroup conversation and oral presentations. Given the fact that most of the content-based practices in Greece focus on a combination of language development with a typical school subject, this project is suggested to include themes of Greek philosophy and more specifically some of the most representative Philosophers so that bilingual students can raise their awareness of the era of philosophical research in Greece. For the evaluation of the effectiveness and feasibility of this thematic project, the researchers propose three methodological tools; a) a pre- and post- test to examine the language development progress and students’ knowledge about the history of Greek philosophy, b) teacher’s/researcher’s journals and c) students’ portfolios.
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In-Text Citation: (Papadopoulos & Kalafati, 2016)
To Cite this Article: Papadopoulos, I. M., & Kalafati, A. (2016). Greek Language Development and awareness of Ancient Greek Philosophy: Introducing a Content-based Project to Immigrant Students. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 4(1), 85–95.