Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences


The Impact of Video-Viewing in a Listening Class

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Listening is the least popular skill among the four that underpin the teaching and learning of a second or a foreign language. The teaching of Listening as a subject started later than other skills. Listening has for a long time been taught using audiotapes because the emphasis has been on training auditory skills to help learners hear clearly and be able to mimic native- speaker pronunciation. With the advancement of technology where videos got into classrooms, moving pictures were introduced in Listening classes. This paper is therefore concerned with the replacement of audio listening by video viewing in a Listening class. The research is carried out through a questionnaire that is circulated to learners and teachers with an aim of establishing the impact of video viewing in a Listening class. The findings indicate that although learners and teachers appreciate the usefulness of video viewing, it does not successfully help learners achieve the main learning outcome of note-taking. The paper attributes this to the difficulty of dealing with audio that requires learners to listen, and moving pictures that need students to view. The paper therefore recommends that tasks be set appropriately with the envisaged skill, i.e. listening or viewing.
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In-Text Citation: (Ntombela & Yusuff, 2016)
To Cite this Article: Ntombela, B. X. S., & Yusuff, N. (2016). The impact of video-viewing in a listening class. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 4(1), 71–84.