Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences


Innovative Pedagogical Approaches in the Greek Context: The Case of Fourfouras Primary School

Open access

Akidouv Nektaria, Vasileiou Pelagia- Maria, Nerantzaki Theodora, Panitsides Eugenia A

Pages 74-90 Received: 10 Mar, 2015 Revised: 20 Apr, 2015 Published Online: 27 Jun, 2015
The present paper delves into the case of the Fourfouras Primary School as an alternative school that applies innovative pedagogical approaches in the Greek educational context. Information from online sources and an interview with the principal of the school were used for data collection. The analysis and interpretation of the data showed that the Fourfouras School adopts new pedagogical approaches, modern teaching methods and alternative practices, participates in several innovative educational programs, seeks to connect with society, cultivates and maintains collaborative relationships among teachers, parents and the local community and generally promotes a new philosophy for learning. Therefore, it is concluded that its categorization as an alternative school is due to the combination of the above factors, without however overlooking the fact that some specific parameters, such as the ratio of students per teacher and classroom, may have reinforced its effectiveness.
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In-Text Citation: (Nektaria et al., 2015)
To Cite this Article: Nektaria, A., Pelagia-Maria, V., Theodora, N., & A., P. E. (2015). Innovative Pedagogical Approaches in the Greek Context: The case of Fourfouras primary school. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 3(1), 74-90.