International Journal of Academic Research in Public Policy and Governance


Netizens’ Perceptions towards Crowdfunding Scams

Open access
Crowdfunding scams have become a lethal plague in the online community. Many netizens have fallen into the traps setup by dishonest individuals and entities through various modus operandi and platforms. This study aims to discover the netizens’ opinions and experiences towards the scams offered to them. In addition, this research also seeks to identify if any specific group of netizens was targeted and ways to reduce the crowdfunding scams in the future. A mixed-method approach is adopted for this study where quantitative data was collected through Google questionnaire while the qualitative data was obtained by reviewing crowdfunding scam posts from various online platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and others to showcase the reality of the issue. The findings generated from this study highlight that netizens feel deceived and betrayed through scams conducted via crowdfunding. There is also visible relationship between gender and probability experiencing crowdfunding scams where females are illustrated to be easily convinced to fall into crowdfunding scams. The study also indicated that various eligible entities may prevent crowdfunding scams from occurring through law enforcement and awareness campaigns. This study concludes with recommendations to explore other platforms where crowdfunding scams mainly occur.
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In-Text Citation: (Arumugam et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Arumugam, N., Manap, M. R., & Thevarajoo, T. P. D. (2020). Netizens’ Perceptions towards Crowdfunding Scams. International Journal of Academic Research in Public Policy and Governace, 7(1), 111-.