Displacement stemming from multifarious factors turned millions to refugees in their own country and across international boundaries. This study appraised living conditions in Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps to justify whether human rights have been redefined in Nigeria. To achieve this, two pertinent questions were raised: Are there human rights principles or provisions on the treatment of IDP? How best can living conditions in IDP camps in Nigeria be described? Study is rooted in displaced aggression theory. Study derived data from secondary materials and content analytical method was adopted. Study found that two major Human Rights legal instruments credited to United Nations (UN) and African Union (AU),which Nigeria is signatory, provides specific guiding principles on treatment of IDP. However, in reality, treatment in IDP camps in Nigeria is yet to conform to guiding principles, as rights are nastily redefined through inadequate supplies of basic needs, deprivations and abuses resulting to unfavourable living conditions. Study concluded that rather than redefining the rights of IDP, Nigeria should wake-up to her obligations by conforming to the extant legal principles on treatment of IDP and recommended policy guide to addressing challenges contributing to redefinition of rights in Nigeria’s IDP camps.
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In-Text Citation: (Shaibu & Olu-Adeyemi, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Shaibu, M. T., & Olu-Adeyemi, L. (2020). Redefining Human Rights in Nigeria: An Appraisal of Living Conditions in Internally Displaced Persons Camp. International Journal of Academic Research in Public Policy and Governace, 7(1), 11–38.
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