This study examines how the Bwatiye traditional communication is used in enhancing participatory democracy among the Bwatiye rural folks. The study used Participatory Communication and Democratic-Participant theory. The research used survey method and employed in-depth interview and observational approaches to gather data. The population of the study is the Bwatiye people of Numan and Lamurde Local Government Areas of Adamawa state. Random and stratified sampling techniques were employed to select the sample size. Ten (10) people (5 each) were selected and interviewed. Descriptive analysis was adopted to analyze data. The findings shows that the Bwatiye traditional communication is an effective, reliable, credible and effective means for communicating with the Bwatiye people about political issues and participation. The study recommends that town crier system should be improved by adopting the modern means like the public address system where local language and songs should be used to attract the attention of the people in order to relay the information to them. The Bwatiye traditional communication should be incorporated into the modern media like Facebook and twitter where people can access post and discuss issues affecting them. The Facebook and twitter should display some nonverbal means of communication like symbols, signs and objectifies to convey specific messages.
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In-Text Citation: (Pwanshikai & Apuke, 2017)
To Cite this Article: Pwanshikai, G., & Apuke, O. D. (2017). Bwatiye Traditional Communication Systems and Its Role in Enhancing Participatory Democracy among Bwatiye People of Numan and Lamurde Local Government Areas of Adamawa State, Nigeria. International Journal of Acdemic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 4(1), 29–45.
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