International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


The Use of Verlan In French Film: A Sociolinguistics Study

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This research is carried out to study the sociolinguistics aspect of verlan in the film pattaya, directed by franck gastambide in 2016. The study will also examine the lexical aspect of the verlan used in the film. The research will combine qualitative and the simple quantitative method of data analysis. The qualitative part will be on the analysis of the corpus of the dialog which contains verlan, while the quantitative part will be elaborated to observe the lexical group of which verlan is mostly spoken. The result from this study shows that there is a strong attachment between verlan and the people in the french suburbs and the main reason of its popular use is because the efforts of its speakers to assert a sense of belongingness in the french society. Apart from that, in linguistic point of view, bi-syllables verlan is by far the most common verlan found in this film. It is also found that, lexical-wise, the adjective group of verlan is the most frequently repeated throughout the film. It is hoped from this study that the research on sociolinguistics aspect of the verlan will be expanded, in order to understand the french street language and the french youth culture.
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In-Text Citation: (Hazman et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Hazman, N. A., Halim, H. A., & Magiman, M. M. (2020). The Use of Verlan In French Film: A Sociolinguistics Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 9(2), 81–95.