International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


Exploring Teachers' Perceptions of Primary School Mathematics Textbook

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Mathematics textbooks are a critical resource during teaching and learning sessions in many classrooms. Therefore, the research sought to identify the Mathematics teachers' perception of the specific aspects of the selected Mathematics textbook: (i) usage level, (ii) content, (iii) activities and exercises, (iv) graphic style, and illustration. The data were collected through a questionnaire from a total of 35 primary school mathematics teachers who volunteered to be the research participants. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, and the results showed that the overall mean of mathematics teachers' perceptions is at a high level. This study may contribute to the development of a comprehensive textbook that capable of enhancing pupils' understanding and mastery of mathematics subjects.
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In-Text Citation: (Samat & Rosli, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Samat, A. A., & Rosli, R. (2020). Exploring Teachers’ Perceptions of Primary School Mathematics Textbook. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 9(1), 286–300.