International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


Student Perceptions on Watching Learners-produced Screencast Videos in Learning Mathematics

Open access
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships of learners’ perceived intention, strategies, design, learning platform and effectiveness of watching the learners-produced screencast videos. In addition, the predictors of screencast video as an effective learning tool were also explored in the present study. A survey was administered to engineering undergraduates who used learners-produced screencast videos to supplement their learning in mathematics. The findings indicated that learners mainly use screencast videos for understanding some difficult concepts, prefer to watch screencast individually, favour the feature of highlighting important concepts and able to clearly understand the explanation provided by peer through voice narration in screencast videos. Correlational analysis indicated high statistically significant relationships between learners’ perceived intention and perceived effectiveness of screencast videos as well as between perceived learning platform and perceived effectiveness of screencast videos. In addition, learners’ intention to use screencast videos was identified as the most critical factor which significantly predicted learners’ perceived effectiveness of the approach. Potential implications of the findings and recommendations for future research were discussed in this study.