International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


Emotional Intelligence: The Core Element of Leadership among Headmasters in Malaysia

Open access
A headmaster is an individual who acts as the leader and will determine the direction of an educational institution towards excellence. This paper was written to highlight the importance of emotional intelligence in the leadership aspects of headmasters and its impact on the interactions with subordinates. The importance of emotional intelligence to individuals is seen as an important factor that has the potential to influence aspects of relationships and social interactions and is widely discussed in various areas of leadership. There has been an increase in the concerns of head teachers who are unable to regulate aspects of their personal emotions that may affect their interactions with teachers and support staff, leading to a decline in school performance. Through the light of previous studies, emotional intelligence is seen as an important element in the field of leadership for individuals in self-adaptation and conflict management. As a result of leadership research in western countries, successful leaders in management and leadership aspects are associated with emotional intelligence. In the aspect of school leadership research in Malaysia, emotional intelligence is still lacking.
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Jamli, N. F. B. A., & Salim, S. S. B. S. (2019). Emotional Intelligence: The Core Element of Leadership among Headmasters in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(3), 224–228.
In-Text Citation: (Jamli & Salim, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Jamli, N. F. B. A., & Salim, S. S. B. S. (2019). Emotional Intelligence: The Core Element of Leadership among Headmasters in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 8(3), 291–295.