International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


Teaching Hadith Subjects through E-Learning Methods: Prospects and Challenges

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The number of E-learning resources available to educators has dramatically increased even Within Islamic education. A lot of Repositories or digital Islamic libraries have been established to manage access to E-learning materials. This prompted many Islamic universities to adopt E-learning methods in their educational system nowadays. One of the most important and popular Islamic sources is Hadith. “Ulomul al-hadith” (sciences of hadith) “Takhri” (a method and authentic way of searching the source of Hadith), “Ilmu Al-Rijal” (study biography of narrators), “Derasa Al-Isnad” (identify the reliability of narrators) and “Hokum Al-Hadith” (determine the validity of Hadith) etc are subjects related to the hadith. The objective of this paper to highlights the Prospects and Challenges of teaching these subjects through E-Learning Methods and it’s concluded that, it is indispensable to take advantage of the modern technological facilities in the study of Hadith.
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In-Text Citation: (Hoque, Yusoff, Toure, & Mohamed, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Hoque, M., Yusoff, A. M., Toure, A. K., & Mohamed, Y. (2019). Teaching Hadith Subjects through E-Learning Methods: Prospects and Challenges. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 8(2), 1043-1050.