International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


Instilling Hybrid Acting Approach to Exhibit Presentational Acting Skills of Secondary School Students through Theatre Arts Subject in Malaysian Arts School, Sungai Siput, Perak

Open access
In realising the teaching of acting coordinated through the Theatre Arts subject curriculum in Malaysian Arts School, Sungai Siput Perak, it is found that acting teachers and instructors have transferred improvised acting skills onto school students. However, this paper work argues about the improvisation acting skills outcome to students of Malaysian Arts School, Sungai Siput Perak who have the higher tendency to evoke realism acting effect which is entirely representational in nature. The mastery of improvisation acting skills embedded in the content of the Malaysian Arts Secondary School Standard Curriculum (KSSM) for Theatre Arts subject also opens up the opportunity for students to develop the psychomotor domain skills in developing and demonstrating the presentational acting on theatre performance free from the confinement of realism. Therefore, to develop an alternative to the form of acting that is free from realism acting, this paper work discusses the potential of the ‘Hybrid Acting’ concept to serve as an alternative to instil presentational acting skills among students of Malaysian Arts School in Sungai Siput Perak. We lean on the action research and the Model application by Kemmis, McTaggart & Nixon (2013) as the study methodology. The model is coordinated to implement several phases of cycle to see the suitability of the hybrid acting approach in instilling students’ skills in displaying a form of acting that is realism-free. Thus, the outcome of the action research shows that a total of 12 students were exposed to the hybrid acting skills with the ability to consolidate their respective bodies to carry out different roles by only manipulating an instrument, which is their body.
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In-Text Citation: (Hashim, Rahman, & Chin, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Hashim, N. S. B. H. N., Rahman, M. K. A., & Chin, L. F. H. (2019). Instilling Hybrid Acting Approach to Exhibit Presentational Acting Skills of Secondary School Students through Theatre Arts Subject in Malaysian Arts School, Sungai Siput, Perak. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive and Education Development, 8(2), 449–456.