International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


The Character of Quranic Surahs as a Tool of Understanding Quran Based on Sayyid Qutb S Point of Views

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Qutb (1966) is among the mufassirun or commentators of the Quran who gives emphasis on the aspects of thematic coherent or al-wihdah al-mauduiyyah in Quranic surah in his exegesis book of Tafsir Fi Zilal al-Quran. At the same time, he also associates the thematic coherent with the term syakhsiyyah al-surah or the characteristic of Quranic surahs which is repeated several times in the tafsir apparently, emphasises a meaningful and conceptual term. This article is intended to clarify the concept of the term characteristic of Quranic surahs according to Sayyid Qutbs point of views in his book Tafsir Fi Zilal al-Quran. This study is a qualitative method of analysis of the data obtained from the primary and secondary sources of documents. The result shows that the term characteristic of Quranic Surahs or syakhsiyyah al-surah has a wider context than the thematic coherent or al-wihdah al-mauduiyyah, and states the benefits for the readers of the Quran because it is considered as a valuable tool to help them understanding the Quran comprehensively and efficiently.
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In-Text Citation: (Husain & Tahir@Twahir, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Husain, H., & Tahir@Twahir, W. H. (2019). The Character Of Quranic Surahs As A Tool Of Understanding Quran Based On Sayyid Qutb S Point Of Views. International Journal of Academic Researchin Progressive Education and Development, 8(2), 338-345.