International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


The Effectiveness of using Twitter Application in Teaching Pedagogy: A Meta-Synthesis Study

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In the new era of the borderless world, the development of pedagogical learning is growing and expanding progressively. Educators have diversified teaching methods to create interactive learning experiences. Twitter application is part of a social media network that is used by people every day. In the education world itself, Twitter application has been widely used in teaching pedagogy. Thus, this study is conducted to examine the effectiveness of using Twitter application in the teaching and learning process at low to high education level. Using a meta-synthesis study, 9 articles from 2012 until 2017 were selected. The findings are presented through themes derived from the synthesis of selected articles to elucidate the objectives of the study. Through the synthesis of articles that have been done, the Twitter application has given a good impact in the teaching and learning process. It has been able to increase the learning motivation and facilitate the understanding of a learning process. In addition, it can also create collaborative learning as well as create interaction within a learning process as students can generate ideas from the information sources that are easily accessible in this app. As a result, Twitter application has facilitated the management process of teaching to educators as well as helping to improve student academic achievement.
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In-Text Citation: (Lokman, Nasri, & Khalid, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Lokman, H. F. Bin, Nasri, N. B. M., & Khalid, F. B. (2019). The Effectiveness of using Twitter Application in Teaching Pedagogy: A Meta-Synthesis Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 8(2), 205–212.