International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


Assessment Level Implementation of School Improvement Specialist Coaches Program: Efficient Teaching Coaches Features

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This study was conducted to identify the teachers' perceptions towards the implementation of the School Improvement Specialist Coaches (SISC+) program from SISC+ features as an effective teaching guide. SISC+ is assigned to guide teachers in low-performing schools and are in band 6 and band 7. So SISC+ needs to serve as an efficient teaching coaches so that the objective of setting up the SISC+ program can be fully achieved. The methodology of this study was quantitative using five-point Likert scale questionnaires and 400 teachers were involved in the study. The data obtained were analyzed using the IBM SPSS version 22.0 software with reference to mean, percentage and standard deviation. The findings show that overall SISC+ features are at a high level when it is able to meet the needs of effective counselors in terms of roles, knowledge, feedback, personal characteristic and role model. In conclusion, SISC+ needs to meet the requirements as an efficient teaching coaches and in accordance with the guidelines set so that more positive effects will be obtained.
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In-Text Citation: (Salleh & Othman, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Salleh, S. M., & Othman, N. (2019). Assessment Level Implementation Of School Improvement Specialist Coaches Program: Efficient Teaching Coaches Features. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 8(3), 142–158.