International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


Methodology of Tajwid Knowledge Learning: Survey on Riwayah and Dirayah Aspects

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Urge and suggestion that every al-Quran reciter needs to ensure that the recitation complies with Tajwid methods, is a sunnatullah which is obligatory to be obeyed. This is because Al-Quran is a tauqifiyah ritual which is encouraged in Islam. Therefore, aspects of narration based on Talaqqi & Musyafahah methods have been prioritised since the event of first revelation descent. Clearly, this method has proved that Al-Quran recitation is continuously guarded and any form of recitation which is not narrated should be rejected even though it is spoken by some of Arabic community based on their daily dialect. However, after the era of earliest Islamic scholars has passed, then al-Quran recitation is beginning to be seen as undergoing changes due to revolving time and era. Besides that, clarity and accuracy of the recitation could not be evaluated bu accurate method due to several factors and some of them become polemic in the community without a comprehensive mechanism of solution. Thus, to visualise back the method of tajwid based on method of prophet and salaf scholars, this tiny paper tries to focus the building of understanding in learning Tajwid knowledge accurately based on integration between riwayah and dirayah elements. Hopefully, the existence of this concise discussion would pose positive impact in implementing the understanding of Fiqh Al-Tajwid concretely.
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In-Text Citation: (Hassan, Khairuldin, & Yusof, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Hassan, A. Bin, Khairuldin, W. M. K. F. W., & Yusof, M. N. Bin. (2019). Methodology of Tajwid Knowledge Learning: Survey on Riwayah and Dirayah Aspects. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 8(2), 113–124.