International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


Verse of Mutasyabihat Pronouncement in Tahfiz Al-Quran Education: An Early Survey

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Verse of Mutasyabihat pronouncement is one of the important elements in the language style of al-Quran. Its existence proves that Allah SWT encourages His servants to practise thinking culture and deep contemplation of the contents in al-Quran. In context of al-Quran memorisation subject, verse of Mutasyabihat pronouncement is a challenge which must be faced by every memoriser of al-Quran mastered with excellence. Therefore, this paperwork is framed aiming to recognise the concept for verse of Mutasyabihat pronouncement and its importance among the huffaz of al-Quran. Thus, it is suggested that the huffaz of al-Quran are given further exposure regarding verse of Mutasyabihat pronouncement from the aspect of cognition, implementation method in the memorisation and formation of specific subject related to verse of Mutasyabihat. Hope of the researcher is that this academic study regarding the memorisation of al-Quran and verse of Mutasyabihat pronouncement is continuously performed to produce competitive huffaz of al-Quran.
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In-Text Citation: (Hassan & Yusof, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Hassan, A. Bin, & Yusof, M. N. Bin. (2019). Verse of Mutasyabihat Pronouncement in Tahfiz Al-Quran Education: An Early Survey. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 8(2), 102–112.