International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


Professional Learning Communities: A Comparison Study between Day Secondary School and Fully Residential Secondary School in Malaysia

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The purpose of the study was to examine and compare the patterns of professional learning communities (PLCs) in Malaysian day secondary school (DSS) and fully residential secondary school (FRSS). A total of 352 teachers from DSS and 357 from FRSS completed the survey with usable data. The result demonstrated that, i) both DSS and FRSS achieved the level of Quite Good in developing PLCs; ii) FRSS achieved higher level of practising PLCs than DSS and the difference was significant; iii) in terms of dimensions, both DSS and FRSS achieved higher mean score in Organizational Factor than in Non-organizational Factors and the difference was significant; iv) in terms of sub-dimensions, despite FRSS achieved the level of Good at Principal’s Commitment and Support, both DSS and FRSS achieved the level of Quite Good in all other sub-dimensions of PLCs; v) DSS achieved the highest mean score in Shared Norms and Vision whereas FRSS in Principal’s Commitment and Support; and vi) both DSS and FRSS achieved the lowest mean score in External Support System. The study contributes to the field of learning organization specifically in providing the first step in advancing more robust and comprehensive analysis in exploring PLCs in Malaysian secondary schools.
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In-Text Citation: (Kin & Kareem, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Kin, T. M., & Kareem, O. A. (2019). Professional Learning Communities: A Comparison Study between Day Secondary School and Fully Residential Secondary School in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 8(2), 87–101.