International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


The Influence of Mathematical Teacher Competency on Creative Teaching Practice

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Mathematics is often regarded as a complex subject and there is no room for creative practice in teaching. The creative practice of teaching by math teachers should be given due attention in order to nurture a culture of creativity among students. This concept paper aims to discuss the effect of the mathematical teacher competence on creative teaching practices. Teachers 'domain domains of teachers' knowledge, skills and attitudes and personality are seen to have a significant influence on creative teaching practices. The influence will have implications for the establishment of human capital aspirated by the state. Hence, proactive steps should be taken by mathematics teachers, school administrators and the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) in enhancing the competence of mathematicians so that creative teaching practices can be implemented effectively.
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Kalangan Guru Ma
In-Text Citation: (Jusoh, Salleh, Embong, & Mamat, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Jusoh, A., Salleh, M., Embong, R., & Mamat, M. (2018). The Influence of Mathematical Teacher Competency on Creative Teaching Practice. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 7(4), 397–409.