International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


Introspection into Priorities before Changing the Job: A Survey

Open access
The present paper is an attempt to understand the various priorities that should be taken in to consideration before making any decision for new assignment by the employees. Money should not be the only deciding factor for a change in the job. There are various other areas which plays vital role in this direction. As this is a contemporary topic, which has its reflection on many of us and the need for better understanding into the priorities is felt by the researchers. In this direction 180 people were approached in and around Odisha, however finally 129 people responded. The data was collected from educational institutions and other private sector units. The composition of respondents are includes 63 female and rests are male respondents. It is found that majority felt that stability in a job, job security; family security, growth, children’s’ education etc. are more important than the financial benefits from new job. However the priorities are differ from person to person. The new entrants do not have much alternative than financial benefit however but for the middle and senior level people priority is more defined than the newer ones. This may be due to of getting opportunity by new employees and because of expertise knowledge by the middle and senior level employees in their own field. For the purpose of confidentiality we are not mentioning the names of the organizations.