International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


A Critical Analysis of Malay Symbolism in Datuk Syed Ahmad Jamal Artwork: Gunung Ledang, 1978

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This critical analysis is about the Malay symbolism in found in Datuk Syed Ahmad Jamal artwork named Gunung Ledang that produced in 1978. This research is looking at the Malay symbols which the beauty concept of art that Datuk Syed Ahmad Jamal was renowned with. The reason of bring up an artwork of Datuk Syed Ahmad Jamal as medium analysis to this topic writing because among the group of painter in Malaysia, he had considered as a lead of abstract painter in year 1960an until 1970, which is in lot of his art work had using the symbolism elements, point to metaphor approach and intrinsic meaning (Syed Ahmad Jamal Sempena Malam Anugerah Seni Negara, 1995). The theoretical framework of this analysis is by Edmund Feldman (1993) which is four step structure of criticism consisting of description, analysis, interpretation and judgment. It is hoped that this research would reach out to the public and further provide a bridge linking the public’s understanding with matters related to the visual arts, enlightening the Malay symbolism along with greater appreciation on Malay element of meanings behind an artist’s effort and thus encourage public appreciation and understanding on the concept of beauty within the Malay cultural tradition context on visual arts. Findings from this research are hoped to assist further research or study on the definitive elements of Malaysian heritage. Artwork Gunung Ledang produced by Datuk Syed Ahmad Jamal possesses high analytical and intrinsic meanings that land-marked a significant contribution to the Malaysian Art history.
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In-Text Citation: (Idris & Noh, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Idris, N., & Noh, L. M. M. (2018). A Critical Analysis of Malay Symbolism in Datuk Syed Ahmad Jamal Artwork: Gunung Ledang, 1978. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 7(4), 95–108.