International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


Perception of Mechanical Engineering Students According to a Subject on Felder Silverman Learning Styles

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Learning style is not just an ability but the preferred way of one’s abilities. Every individual or learners has their own or unique way of doing things as they differ in their styles of retaining new information and skills. In the field of education, the concept of learning styles was very much introduced at least in the midst of 1970s. Subsequently, several researches are continuously conducted in search of the importance of the learning styles that integrates a successful teaching and learning process. Hereby, a study was conducted at premier polytechnics in malaysia as to determine the learning styles of mechanical engineering students. Felder silverman learning style was used as it consists of four dimensions which are processing, perception, input, and understanding. It is important to know the learning styles among students, since each of them have different learning styles in their studies. The present study articulates a quantitative research methodology where premier polytechnic mechanical engineering students participated in this survey. The results obtained achieves the objective that identifies the different learning styles among mechanical engineering students. Ibm statistical package for social sciences version 23 for windows (spss) was used to analyse the data via mean descriptive analysis. Each student has their own style of learning to achieve success in their studies. Henceforth, an understanding of students’ learning style is vital as to enhance learning.
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In-Text Citation: (Kannapiran, Kob, Rus, & Sulaiman, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Kannapiran, S., Kob, C. G. C., Rus, R. C., & Sulaiman, N. L. (2018). Perception of Mechanical Engineering Students According to a Subject on Felder Silverman Learning Styles. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 7(4), 1–12.