International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


The Effects of Computerized Learning Games on the Third Grade Students in Karak Governorate

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This study is aimed at identifying the effects of computerized learning games on the third-grade students within Karak Governorate and further evaluates the achievements recorded in the application of English language at various schools. A total number of 60 third grade students were selected as the targeted sample and are divided into two (2) groups namely; a control group of 30 male and female students were evaluated comprehensively using a traditional approach, while the other group of 30 students comprising of both genders were equally examined using a computerized learning games. To ensure efficiency, pre and post achievement tests was applied to measure and record the achievement of these two (2) groups. The results showed that the achievement level in English language as recorded by the third-grade students was medium. Further result indicated the existence of a significant impact of computerized learning games in enhancing the achievement of third grade student in English language at various schools in Karak governorate. Moreover, no meaningful effect or significant differences was reported on the effects of using computerized learning games on the students’ achievement by gender. In light of the results of this study therefore, there is need to recognize the significant effects of computerized learning games in the design of educational policies. The essential relevance of these computer learning games cannot be undermined particularly in the contemporary era, hence the growing need by the government to advocates publicity campaign towards national growth and development.
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In-Text Citation: (Khatatneh & Teh, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Khatatneh, N. A. K., & Teh, K. S. M. (2018). The Effects of Computerized Learning Games on the Third Grade Students in Karak Governorate. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 7(2), 96–111.